Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reasons why you're not losing weight. Exercise aspect

If anyone has read the 17 Aug 2009 Time Magazine article that exercise might actually might work against you for losing weight, please consider this argument.

The only thing I can honestly agree on in the article is that exercise alone will not help us lose weight. Diet and exercise work together in doing this cause. However the way that we approach our exercise routine, may honestly be working against you.

Exercise should feel good! No pain no gain is no longer applicable. Working out to strain yourself depletes you of your desire to continue, which can lead you to become lethargic throughout the rest of the day and make you crave fatty carb foods to regain energy. This is what the article argues, that you become more apt to become inactive by spending all your energy on a workout. It's not working out that's doing this, it's the incorrect way of approaching exercise.

Why exercising isn't working for you

You became a number- How many of you have a membership to a national gym? How many of you actually used it for a number of months and stop going? You have no accountability. You show up do your routine and leave. However what is your routine doing for you? Who taught you to do that routine?Most people mimic others, and decide for themselves that this must work for them. There is error in this way. If you watch a doctor put in sutures would you be willing to do them yourself? Most likely no. You're not a professional at doing sutures and you're not a professional at losing weight. However there are professionals out there. The reason why personal trainers are pricey is because they give you results. Same reason why doctors are. They are there to help you get healthy, though one is preventive health and by hiring a personal trainer it will you reduce you expenditures at the latter.

Your more worried about quantity than quality- I see it all the time at gyms. People go in there determine to lose weight quickly and they exhaust themselves by running on the treadmill or doing a million and one reps with weights. I know this is going to disappoint a lot of people, but the elliptical IS NOT A QUALITY WORKOUT. Honestly do you think anything that you attach a TV to is actually helping you?! Let me introduce you to the world of resistance and functional movement training.

Resistance training "is a form of strength training in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force generated by resistance (i.e. resistance to being pushed, squeezed, stretched or bent). Exercises are isotonic if a body part is moving against the force. Exercises are isometric if a body part is holding still against the force. Resistance exercise is used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscles. Properly performed, resistance training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being."

The goal of resistance training, according to the American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI), is to "gradually and progressively overload the musculoskeletal system so it gets stronger." Research shows that regular resistance training will strengthen and tone muscles and increase bone mass. Resistance training should not be confused with weightlifting, powerlifting or bodybuilding, which are competitive sports involving different types of strength training with non-elastic forces such as gravity (weight training or plyometrics) rather an immovable resistance (isometrics, usually the body's own muscles or a structural feature such as a doorframe). Full range of motion is important in resistance training because muscle overload occurs only at the specific joint angles where the muscle is worked.

The study “Fat metabolism and acute resistance exercise in trained men” conducted by East Carolina University found that resistance exercise is more beneficial than aerobic exercise for fat loss. The purpose of the study was to see how resistance exercise may contribute to improvements in body composition. (Wikipedia)


Band training



Functional movements -are movements based on real-world situational biomechanics. They usually involve multi-planar, multi-joint movements which place demand on the body's core musculature and innervation. Functional movement usually involves gross motor movement involving the core, which refers to the muscles of the abdomen and spine, such as segmental stabilizers.

The key word is quality. No matter how long or how much you do an exercise if you're not doing it the right form, it can lead to injury. By hiring a legitimate personal trainer you can prevent yourself from again spending the money towards the doctor to fix your injury.

Overdoing exercising can have adverse affects. By pushing yourself too hard you can actually slow down your metabolism. For women it can lead to amenorrhea, which is defined by having 3 or less menstruation cycles per year. This interferes with estrogen levels and causes irregular metabolism of calcium which could lead to bone loss.

It's the same work out over and over- We've all reached plateaus while working out. By doing only one specific exercise you will reach a max of the benefits that exercise provides. Switch it up to manipulate the muscles in a way they haven't been before. Find alternative methods to reach the goal you are trying to achieve. Not only will this help you become stronger, but by changing your work out it will keep your interest longer. Though I love kettlebells, I still try to head to the pool to swim, and also there's nothing that can replace the serenity I receive from running next to the river.

You give yourself no support- some can do it solo, however a study done by Oxford University's Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology have found that by socially working out you increases your endorphins which in result are a natural pain reliever and also give you that "high" you receive after working out, which makes you crave it more. Also you give yourself accountability. It's easier to talk yourself out of a workout than trying to make excuses to someone else.

The numbers on the scale- Do yourself a favor, THROW AWAY THAT SCALE!!!!! I will be honest, since kettlebells I have gained 10 pounds but I am in the best shape of my life. Those numbers on your scale are not telling you how your body composition is changing. Are you feeling better, more energized, are your pants getting looser? These are great signs to tell you that it is working!

It's not easy- The most important one! It's an entire lifestyle choice to decide to live healthy. Most American are looking for quick instant results and when it doesn't happen they give up. This is why diet pills, fad diet or exercises do not work. It is a day by day choice you make as an individual. You have to understand what you are trying to achieve. Redirect your goals. If you're sole purpose is based on image and weight, about 90% of the time it will fail. When you decide to live healthy and give yourself the proper information and tools to obtain this goal, everything else will only be a bonus.

Inspire others-by being a source of inspiration for other people can be a good reason to stay motivated. Your own stories of struggles can also make them motivated to do their assignment.

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