Monday, October 19, 2009

Till the end....

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope not to have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'"~Erma Bombeck

One life, that's the only one we get. At the end of the day, we can not go back and change what we did. When that moment comes to past, we can no longer have it back. When you look back at your life, the day, that moment, will you be proud of what you did with it?

Coming down the those final reps, those last miles, or laps, it's the hardest to finish when there is no energy left, but the most rewarding when it's done. Fall at the end of the finish line, knowing you could not have left anything more behind you. Crash into bed exhausted knowing that you lived every precious moment of that day that your creator has gifted to you. Even when your on your knees with the burdens of life, start crawling when you can no longer walk. I promise you, you'll have nothing to regret.

Live life with passion, adventure, energy. At the end of the day, make sure you made someone else's day better than worse, because you'll never know if today is that persons last day with us among the Earth, or maybe your last day.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Homemade chicken noodle soup

I've been sick with the flu for the last week and a half so I haven't been running which usually inspires my blogs. So for those of you who are sick/will be sick, I'm giving you my yummy delicious chicken noodle soup that will make you feel so much better.

Whole chicken
Whole garlic peeled
8oz of ginger peeled and sliced small
Whole lemon with rind sliced in circles
Whole onion sliced

1/4 cup Apple vinegar
Garlic Salt
Black Pepper
Cup of Celery diced
Cup of Carrots diced
1/2 cup of Diced onions
Cheyenne Pepper (if you have a sore throat)
Noodles (optional, it's hearty enough without)

Put chicken (with skin on) in a pot and fill water so it's barely covering the chicken. Add broth ingredients, bring to boil and reduce heat to medium until chicken is thoroughly cooked. You can tell by picking the chicken up by the wing and if it tears away from the chicken it's done. Strain broth into a bowl. Put in refrigerator til' the fat is separated. (4-6 hrs). Take chicken separate the skin and throw away and pull a part the meat into little pieces. Put the meat back into the broth (with out the fat). Add ingredients for the soup and bring to boil. Simmer for about an hour. Enjoy with a hot cup of tea!

I make a huge pot and freeze the rest and save it for all the people who I get sick (sorry). I think it taste better the longer it sits.

This goes with out saying, but if you do get sick drinks lots of water!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reasons why you're not losing weight. Exercise aspect

If anyone has read the 17 Aug 2009 Time Magazine article that exercise might actually might work against you for losing weight, please consider this argument.

The only thing I can honestly agree on in the article is that exercise alone will not help us lose weight. Diet and exercise work together in doing this cause. However the way that we approach our exercise routine, may honestly be working against you.

Exercise should feel good! No pain no gain is no longer applicable. Working out to strain yourself depletes you of your desire to continue, which can lead you to become lethargic throughout the rest of the day and make you crave fatty carb foods to regain energy. This is what the article argues, that you become more apt to become inactive by spending all your energy on a workout. It's not working out that's doing this, it's the incorrect way of approaching exercise.

Why exercising isn't working for you

You became a number- How many of you have a membership to a national gym? How many of you actually used it for a number of months and stop going? You have no accountability. You show up do your routine and leave. However what is your routine doing for you? Who taught you to do that routine?Most people mimic others, and decide for themselves that this must work for them. There is error in this way. If you watch a doctor put in sutures would you be willing to do them yourself? Most likely no. You're not a professional at doing sutures and you're not a professional at losing weight. However there are professionals out there. The reason why personal trainers are pricey is because they give you results. Same reason why doctors are. They are there to help you get healthy, though one is preventive health and by hiring a personal trainer it will you reduce you expenditures at the latter.

Your more worried about quantity than quality- I see it all the time at gyms. People go in there determine to lose weight quickly and they exhaust themselves by running on the treadmill or doing a million and one reps with weights. I know this is going to disappoint a lot of people, but the elliptical IS NOT A QUALITY WORKOUT. Honestly do you think anything that you attach a TV to is actually helping you?! Let me introduce you to the world of resistance and functional movement training.

Resistance training "is a form of strength training in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force generated by resistance (i.e. resistance to being pushed, squeezed, stretched or bent). Exercises are isotonic if a body part is moving against the force. Exercises are isometric if a body part is holding still against the force. Resistance exercise is used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscles. Properly performed, resistance training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being."

The goal of resistance training, according to the American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI), is to "gradually and progressively overload the musculoskeletal system so it gets stronger." Research shows that regular resistance training will strengthen and tone muscles and increase bone mass. Resistance training should not be confused with weightlifting, powerlifting or bodybuilding, which are competitive sports involving different types of strength training with non-elastic forces such as gravity (weight training or plyometrics) rather an immovable resistance (isometrics, usually the body's own muscles or a structural feature such as a doorframe). Full range of motion is important in resistance training because muscle overload occurs only at the specific joint angles where the muscle is worked.

The study “Fat metabolism and acute resistance exercise in trained men” conducted by East Carolina University found that resistance exercise is more beneficial than aerobic exercise for fat loss. The purpose of the study was to see how resistance exercise may contribute to improvements in body composition. (Wikipedia)


Band training



Functional movements -are movements based on real-world situational biomechanics. They usually involve multi-planar, multi-joint movements which place demand on the body's core musculature and innervation. Functional movement usually involves gross motor movement involving the core, which refers to the muscles of the abdomen and spine, such as segmental stabilizers.

The key word is quality. No matter how long or how much you do an exercise if you're not doing it the right form, it can lead to injury. By hiring a legitimate personal trainer you can prevent yourself from again spending the money towards the doctor to fix your injury.

Overdoing exercising can have adverse affects. By pushing yourself too hard you can actually slow down your metabolism. For women it can lead to amenorrhea, which is defined by having 3 or less menstruation cycles per year. This interferes with estrogen levels and causes irregular metabolism of calcium which could lead to bone loss.

It's the same work out over and over- We've all reached plateaus while working out. By doing only one specific exercise you will reach a max of the benefits that exercise provides. Switch it up to manipulate the muscles in a way they haven't been before. Find alternative methods to reach the goal you are trying to achieve. Not only will this help you become stronger, but by changing your work out it will keep your interest longer. Though I love kettlebells, I still try to head to the pool to swim, and also there's nothing that can replace the serenity I receive from running next to the river.

You give yourself no support- some can do it solo, however a study done by Oxford University's Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology have found that by socially working out you increases your endorphins which in result are a natural pain reliever and also give you that "high" you receive after working out, which makes you crave it more. Also you give yourself accountability. It's easier to talk yourself out of a workout than trying to make excuses to someone else.

The numbers on the scale- Do yourself a favor, THROW AWAY THAT SCALE!!!!! I will be honest, since kettlebells I have gained 10 pounds but I am in the best shape of my life. Those numbers on your scale are not telling you how your body composition is changing. Are you feeling better, more energized, are your pants getting looser? These are great signs to tell you that it is working!

It's not easy- The most important one! It's an entire lifestyle choice to decide to live healthy. Most American are looking for quick instant results and when it doesn't happen they give up. This is why diet pills, fad diet or exercises do not work. It is a day by day choice you make as an individual. You have to understand what you are trying to achieve. Redirect your goals. If you're sole purpose is based on image and weight, about 90% of the time it will fail. When you decide to live healthy and give yourself the proper information and tools to obtain this goal, everything else will only be a bonus.

Inspire others-by being a source of inspiration for other people can be a good reason to stay motivated. Your own stories of struggles can also make them motivated to do their assignment.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight: The diet aspect


1) We delude our actual intake- We're often not honest in how much we eat. Just because we're not eating fast food we usually tend to over indulge in other areas. If you're eating a salad, but it has croutons on it or fatty dressing by the time all the condiments are added on, you might as well have opted for the hamburger, with out the bun of course.

2) We trick ourselves in to believing something is good for us- (this always gets my skin crawling) Just because it's fat free, diet, lean, 100 pack calories, or whatever absurd slogan the food companies have come up with DOES NOT MEAN IT IS HEALTHY FOR YOU!!! Those 100 calories frozen chocolate cakes are absolutely no good. They still loaded with sugar.

3) We skip breakfast- Skipping breakfast is not skipping calories. Choosing to eat a healthy breakfast will keep your hunger down through out the day. Don't over indulge though. Grain cereals oatmeal fruits and plain yogurt are a great way to start the day. *There is a diet that is very popular in the RKC community called the Warrior diet which is a complete contradiction to this. If you are burning considerable amounts of calories through intense training on a daily basis, this may be a diet for you to consider.*

4)We are not getting enough calcium- or correction we're not getting enough low-fat dairy. An article posted on Web MD studying three groups of mice on restricted calorie, high intake of low-fat dairy resulted "Body fat storage was markedly reduced by all three high-calcium diets,"

5) We eat way too much sugar- (this is a no brainer) The average American women consumes 158 pounds of sugar annually. The yogurt with the fruit at the bottom, the granola bars, the diet shakes, are packed with sugars. Again back to #2 don't be fooled by the gimmicks. Really understand what you are consuming.

6) We don't drink enough water- Besides curbing appetites, it also is shown to increase metabolism up to 70%. 8 glasses of 8 oz of water daily, more if you're highly active!

Foods we think are good for us, but really are not:

Diet Soda- you skip the calories, but your adding artificial sweeteners that are not naturally processed by our body. In addition caffeine in linked to hyperactivity, high blood pressure, and can affect your blood sugar. Drink flavored sparkling water for carbonation.

Granola bars- the only way those suckers are staying intact because they are bind with sugar and corn syrup, and once the chocolate is in there well you have yourself a candy bar. Make them yourself or just don't eat them at all.

Yogurt with the fruit at the bottom - 20 grams of sugar per half cup. Same with frozen yogurt. Get plain yogurt and add fruit yourself, if you need a little more sweetness add organic honey.

Fruit Juice- loaded with sugar! Eat or squeeze the real stuff on your own.

Fast food salads- anything fast you might as well consider not healthy. Some contain as many calories as the hamburger on the same menu. Cesar Salad dressing are 100% fat in most cases. Eat salads with olive oil dressings.

Peanuts and peanut butter (even the organic)- Besides high in fat and calories, the omega-6 fatty acids distort the Omega- 3 fatty acid benefits. Go for organic but pour off the oil that is separated at the top. If the remaining is too hard pour olive oil over it to loosen it.

Anything made with soy (this was a shocker to me)- "soy is linked to lower testosterone and increased estrogen in males, and is also linked to increased breast cancer in women. Soy also promotes hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, and infertility just to name a few additional disorders. Phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines are all highly present in soy products. Infants in particular can be adversely affected in many negative ways from exposure to soy, including premature development in girls, and underdevelopment in boys. "

Educate yourself in what you are putting in your body!

Going the Extra Mile

"The only measurable distance between success and failure is one's desire."

Running in the rain again and I had the inspiration to keep running, so I did. My first week back at running in almost a year and I had successfully ran 2 days at three miles each day. I wanted to push myself further. I didn't know if my body could make it but I was mentally determine to do so. I succeeded! Four miles in a little over 35 minutes, and at the end I felt like I had just conquered the world. As I was cooling down I started thinking to myself why is it that some people can succeed and others fail?

It's you.

You have to find it in yourself the reason that is going to keep you going. You have to believe in yourself. You have the strength inside of you to succeed if choose to find it and hold on to it with all of your being. Why is it that some people can lose weight and keep it off? Why can one person who's been smoking for 20 years can never pick up cigarette again? Or a person can go with out ever drinking? These people have decided that they no longer can make excuses for themselves. They found a reason, a burning desire to change their life and they do. Honestly that's the answer.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Don't Miss the Dance

Part of ASF is developing the person as a whole, including the spirit.

My workout
10 TGU 16kg
19 presses each arm 16k
12 squats 28k
80 swings 28k

Wasn't satisfied, so I put my running shoes on and went by the river to run. There was an evening thunderstorm and it was pouring down rain but I needed to keep going. So much had built up over the past weeks that I need to let it all out. It felt good to have the rain wash over me, almost as if it was God's way of cleansing my soul. I ran three miles, mulling through events of the past weeks, events of the past year. At the very end of my run my music player went to a song that put everything in the perspective.

The Dance Garth Brooks

Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared beneath the stars above
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known you'd ever say goodbye
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance
I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I the king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know
I might have changed it all
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance
I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance

My very good friend Jennie passed away last year of Leukemia and this is the song that she chose to play at her funeral. 37 years cut way too early. In her last six months she suffered through many long painful radiation treatments, she lost her hair, she lost extensive amounts of weight, became ill over and over again, and still the disease took her life. However, even through her last six months on earth, she wouldn't have changed it. These words that she chose to play at her funeral, conveys such deep feeling and emotions. All this pain, all the suffering was worth it, because in 37 years she lived a wonderful life, I know because I was able to share many wonderful memories with her. There are many times in our past and will be in the future, that the pain will become overwhelming. However if we hold on to what really matters, and we can see the blessing and the joys that we received, it will make any amount of pain worth enduring.

Awaken the strength to hold on to what is important. Many people and events will hurt you, but don't dwell on the anger. Remember the good times even if it's hard to do. Pain is beautiful because we only receive it by caring and loving so deeply. Once you overcome that pain, and you find the blessing in it, your soul will only grow and become stronger. You will find peace in yourself and become able to take on any obstacle life may throw at you.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cost Effectiveness of Living Healthy

The biggest frustration that I come across trying to lead someone towards a healthy life style, is the constant excuse that living healthy costs too much. Especially in today's American economy, the "Dollar Value Menu" is more appealing to the average American than going to the grocery store to buy fruits and vegetables. I will admit, my grocery bill is higher buying organic, healthy foods and spending my whole pay check at Whole Foods, however the shock I get out at the checkout, is no where near the actual shock I would get with my medical bills.

Overweight and obese individuals are at increased risk for health problems including:
High blood pressure (hypertension)
High blood cholesterol
Coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis or “hardening of the arteries”)
Angina pectoris (severe, often constricting, chest pain)
Congestive heart failure
Insulin resistance/glucose intolerance
Hyperinsulinemia (high insulin levels in the blood which is a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease)
Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes
Gallstones and other gall bladder problems
Obstructive sleep apnea and respiratory problems
Some types of cancer (such as endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon)
Complications of pregnancy
Poor female reproductive health (such as menstrual irregularities, infertility, irregular ovulation) Bladder control problems (such as urinary stress incontinence)
Uric acid kidney stones
Psychological disorders (such as depression, eating disorders, distorted body image, and low self esteem).

Crunching the numbers :

Treating High Blood Pressures:

Common medications and cost to treat high blood pressure:

Diuretics (water pills) help your body get rid of extra sodium -$9/ mo = $108/yr (for mild cases not typical treatment)

Beta-blockers make the heart beat slower so that blood passes through your blood vessels with less force-$10-$210 average about $60 = $720/yr

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (also called ACE inhibitors) keep your body from making angiotensin II, a hormone that causes blood vessels to narrow.-$44/mo= $528/yr

Angiotensin II receptor blockers (also called ARBs) protect your blood vessels from the effects of angiotensin II, a hormone that causes blood vessels to narrow.-$56/mo=$627/yr

Treating Diabetes:

*People with diagnosed diabetes, on average, have medical expenditures that are approximately 2.3 times higher than the expenditures would be in the absence of diabetes. * American Diabetes Association

Type II diabetes:

Glucophage (Metformin) - improves hyperglycemia primarily through its suppression of hepatic glucose production -$18 generic $117 Brand name/mo = $216-$1404/yr

Glimepiride lowers the blood glucose level by stimulating pancreatic beta cells to produce more insulin and by inducing increased activity of intracellular insulin receptors. $7 generic $35 brand name/ mo=$84-$420/yr

The combination of the two drugs is prescribed frequently = $50 generic $94 brand name/ mo = $600-$1128/yr

Type I diabetes:

"It will cost the average person treating diabetes $11,744 per year of which $6,649 is attributed to diabetes" ADA (easy enough)

Treating High Blood Cholesterol:

HMG CoA reductase inhibitors slows down the body's ability to make Cholesterol-$32-$150/mo month=$408-$1800/yr

Bile Acid Sequestrants disrupt the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids by sequestering them and preventing their reabsorption from the gut -$127/mo= $1,532/yr

While there are many more health issues associate with living an unhealthy life style, I focused on the three most common cost the average overweight person will encounter.


It will cost on average between $1068 (very mild cases)-$8901 and still higher, to live an unhealthy lifestyle. Costs do not include co-pays for doctor appointments, time spent away from work or school, other medical problems associated with being overweight.

$50, the average monthly membership to a gym. $600 a year, still half the cost of the mild cases of medical costs. There are other advantages of living healthy including a better body image, and a piece of mind, things that are too valuable to put a price tag on.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Childhood Obesity

Attention Parents- Buying your kids their favorite sugar loaded cereal, letting them pick out candy bars at the check-out, allowing them to watch TV/cartoons, play video games/computer for hours on end, makes you the cool parent right? However, is this good parenting?

9 million, the number of children considered overweight in America. The breakdown; 19% of children (ages 6–11) and 17% of adolescents (ages 12–19) were overweight in 2000. Of these 9 million overweight children 1 in 4 show early signs of type II diabetes, 3 in 5 already have at least one risk factor of heart disease.

Risk factors of overweight children (they're no longer issues of getting old)-

-Hyperlipiemia (too much fat in the blood)

-Heart disease, high blood pressure

-Diabetes -- Type 2 diabetes, no longer an adult disease. Type II diabetes has been diagnosed and is on the rise in adolescence. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that one in three American children born in 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime.

-Bone condition, hip problems

-Early puberty-overweight females are reaching puberty earlier. In addition obesity may increase the development of uterine fibrosis and irregular menstrual cycles.

-Obstructive sleep apnea- serious, potentially life-threatening breathing disorder characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. This can over a long period of time, lead to heart failure.

-Psychological issues-overweight kids were more likely to develop depression, due to image and also from the lack of exercise. In Journal of Adolescent Health, 2009, shows that teens who are overweight and those teens who perceive themselves as being overweight have high risk of attempting suicide.


In the last 40 years, the percent of overweight children has more than quadrupled. The CDC has labeled childhood obesity as an epidemic. Genetics do play a risk factor in children becoming overweight, however it is the environment that a child grows in that is really the culprit.

Increase of electronic entertainment-"A 2008 meta analysis found that 63 of 73 studies (86%) showed an increased rate of childhood obesity with increased media exposure, and rates increasing proportionally to time spent watching television."
A study in the UK suggest that on average a child watches 30-50 hours of commercial for food on television. 90% of those are for junk food. Also concluded in this study food consumption increased drastically immediately following these commercials; obese children intake increased 134%, overweight children intake increased 101%, while normal weight children intake increased 84%

Decrease of physical exercise-with the increase of video games and computers, children find ways to entertain them selves instead of playing outside. In a study done by the CDC "surveyed 11,631 U.S. high school students, grades nine through 12, and found that just 12.37 percent of the students engaged in 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity three or more times a week."

Lack of proper nutrition- It's amazing yet disheartening that in the recession we see McDonald's actually posting profits. IMHO the lamest excuse I hear on eating unhealthy is that it costs too much to eat healthy. According to the American Diabetes Association it cost the average person with diabetes $12,000 a year to treat the disease. In addition to increase medical cost, overweight kids are more prone to illness which in result increases time out of school.

Say it with me parents: "NO"

You are the parent! You have control of your kids. Stop rewarding your kids for inappropriate behavior. If your child throws a tantrum because you won't give him ice-cream, let him. They'll eventually give up. If you stop buying sugar loaded foods and they refuse to eat the healthy groceries, I can guarantee you that they will eventually get hungry and eat that apple that replaced those fruit roll-ups.

Educate not only yourself but also your children as well. Gatorade is not as healthy as you think it is. Diet soda is not the solution to replacing regular soda.

Do not place your kids on diets, instead teach them how to eat properly. Don't go cold turkey or they'll over indulge when you are out-of-site. Set schedules when your kids can eat. Allow for a small healthy snack after school, and no snacking after dinner. Sit down for dinner. STOP EATING IN FRONT OF THE TV!!!

Encourage them when they lose weight. For girls let them pick out a new outfit as the weight comes off.

No TV in kids rooms. Not only does this effect their weight but can also lead to issue regarding sleep patterns, and social activity.

Limit the amount of time your child spends in front of a computer/TV/video game. Plan family bike rides, or a pick up game of kick ball. Enroll your kids in activities, not only does this help them physically, but if a child can be proud of an accomplishment, you'll increase their confidence. Let them play outside, and for all those over protective parent, FYI, less than 1% of children are abducted by someone outside their family.

Again you are the parent. You might not be the cool parent, however you are saving your child's life.

Healthy alternatives to unhealthy foods-

-Opt for pretzels instead of potato chips
-Real OJ instead of Sunny D
-Sparkling flavored waters instead of sodas. I tried it with my friend's kids and they love it
-Cheerios with natural honey, stop buying the marshmallows cereals
-Sorbet, frozen yogurt, or fruit smoothies instead of ice-cream
-Nutella and apples (omg I love this) instead of chocolate candy bars.